“和合共生 携手同行” 2023厦门“行·摄友城”摄影展暨友城结好周年庆图片展

“和合共生 携手同行








首先,我非常荣幸能够出席“和合共生 携手同行”-2023厦门“行·摄友城”摄影展暨友城结好周年庆图片展。这次活动不仅为我们提供了一个展示精彩瞬间的平台,更是两座姐妹城市——槟城和厦门之间深厚友好关系的生动见证。

I am truly honored to be present at the "Harmony in Coexistence, Walking Hand in Hand" - 2023 Xiamen "Traveling with Friends City" Photography Exhibition and Anniversary Celebration of Friendship Cities. This is a momentous occasion where we gather to capture captivating moments through the lens, presenting a multidimensional display of the diverse cultural scenes and enriching friendly exchanges among international sister cities.


Penang and Xiamen, two cities with rich history and profound cultural heritage, are closely intertwined under the framework of sister city relations. This connection is not only reflected in exchanges and collaborations in fields such as culture, economy, and education, but also manifests in unique commonalities within the realm of art.


Both places bear rich historical legacies and diverse cultures, offering valuable materials and inspiration for artistic creation. Penang's George Town and Xiamen's Gulangyu Island, along with their unique architectural styles, serve as founts of inspiration for artists' creations.


It's worth mentioning that both Penang and Xiamen have nurtured numerous outstanding artists who have produced remarkable artworks. Whether in the fields of painting, sculpture, photography, music, or dance, artists from both places have shone brilliantly with their exceptional talents.


This creative vibrancy provides an expansive platform for artistic exchange between the two cities, enabling us to better share ideas and ignite inspiration. The artistic cooperation and exchange between Penang and Xiamen go beyond being symbols of friendship; they are a vivid embodiment of cultural integration.


By organizing cultural events, art exhibitions, artist exchanges, and creative workshops, we are not only deepening the cooperation between sister cities but also strengthening the artistic ties between the two places.


In this exhibition, we employ the camera lens as a medium to capture the beautiful moments of exchange between our sister cities. These moments bear witness not only to the achievements of our collaboration in fields like economy, culture, and education but also to the shared emotions and creativity expressed through artistic endeavors.


Let us continue walking hand in hand, using the camera lens to record more beautiful moments, forging a brighter future with friendship and cooperation! Meanwhile, I extend a warm welcome to our friends from Xiamen to visit Penang, as we come together to share the joy of culture, creativity, and friendship!


Thank you all!

Pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 28, KOMTAR, 10502, George Town, Pulau Pinang