槟城机器厂商会 甲辰年新春大团拜暨第22届理事宣誓就职典礼晚宴 槟州首席部长曹观友致词稿
槟城机器厂商会会长兼马来西亚机器厂商总会⾧ 拿督郑美昌
槟城机器厂商会总务兼筹委会主席 罗竣传
槟州立法议会议长 拿督刘子健
Yang Berhormat Rashidi Bin Zinol
Exco Perdagangan, Pembangunan Keusahawan dan Luar Bandar
武吉淡汶区州议员 吴俊益
马章武莫区州议员 李凯伦
植物园区州议员 李文兴
在此也要向拿督郑美昌表示诚挚(cheng 2 zhi4)的祝贺,恭喜你再次当选为槟城机器厂商会会长,同时升任为马来西亚机器厂商会总会长。我相信,在您的领导下,机器厂商会将继续为行业的发展开创新的篇章(pian1 zhang1)。
各位,槟城机器厂商会一直是政府机构与厂家之间的重要桥梁,为促进双方的合作与发展提供了坚实(jian1 shi2)的平台。作为一个桥梁,贵会促(cu4)进了信息的传递(di4),通过提供行业信息、资源整合等,为商家提供帮助,使他们能够更好地在市场上发展与竞争,也为政府政策的制定和执行提供了宝贵的建议。
各位,槟州一直稳居(wen3 ju1)大马经济、增长和吸引投资的前三名州属。其中,槟州于去年的核准(he2 zhun3)投资额高达719亿令吉,相当于大马整体投资额的22%,而制造业是最大贡献领域之一。
虽然制造业是大马和槟州经济的支柱(zhi1 zhu4),却也是造成碳(tan4)排放的重要贡献(gong4 xian4)者。对此,州政府于2021年推出了槟城2030绿色议程(PGA2030),概述(gai4 shu4)了槟城实现2030年可持续发展目标(SDGs)的框架(kuang1 jia4)。
而且槟城绿色工业项目(PGIP)的推出是为了鼓励本地企业积极落实ESG(环境、社会和监管(jian1 guan3)政策)指标,促进可持续发展和负责任的业务实践(shi2 jian4)。因此,我呼吁州内的中小型企业把握(ba3 wo4)机会,积极落实ESG指标,以便能够吸引跨(kua4)国企业的青睐(lai4)而被选为供应商之一。
此外,作为州政府,我们将持续(chi2 xu4)关注和推动改善基础设施的计划,其中大马机场控股公司(MAHB)已针对槟城国际机场的扩(kuo4)建及提升计划,于本月8日通过报章刊登广告展开征集(zheng1 ji2)资格预审(yu4 shen3)(pre-qualification)程序,这是槟城期盼(qi1 pan4)已久的工程,让人非常期待。
当然,槟城还有一些大型计划,比如轻快铁计划、霹雳-槟州水供计划等有待进行,希望能获得各造的协助与配合,以实现槟城的可持续(chi2 xu4)发展。
在这个新的一年里,州政府也期待与槟城机器厂商会的密切合作,形成共赢(ying2)的合作关系,以构建(gou4 jian4)一个稳健(wen3 jian4)的商业环境。
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Firstly, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the organizers for inviting me to the Board of Directors swearing-in ceremony dinner. It's truly an honour to be here today.
The Penang Foundry and Engineering Industries Association has constantly upheld its position as the uniting force between government, agencies, and manufacturers, providing a concrete platform for the promotion of cooperation and development between the two parties.
As a uniting force, your association provides vital assistance to businesses in terms of industry information, resource integration, and many more. This provides leverage for businesses to better develop and compete in the market, contribute to the formulation of government policies, and provide valuable feedback for implementation of such.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Penang has been consistently ranked among the top 3 states in contributing to Malaysia’s economy, growth and investment attraction. Last year, Penang recorded an approved investment of RM71.9 billion which accounts for a staggering estimate of 22 percent of Malaysia’s overall approved investment and the manufacturing sector proved to be the largest contributor to Penang’s approved investments.
While the manufacturing sector stands as a cornerstone of Malaysia and Penang’s economy, it also significantly contributes to emissions.
In addressing as such, the state government together with Penang Green Council (PGC) had introduced the Penang Green Agenda in 2021 to guide Penang down the sustainable agenda while seeking economic development and benefits. With this, the PGA outlines the framework for Penang to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
Adding to the sustainable plateau, the introduction of the Penang Green Industry Project (PGIP) will encourage local businesses to actively implement ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, promoting sustainable development and responsible business practices.
Therefore, I urge small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the state to seize the opportunities possessed in the best practices of ESG, enabling higher yield and attractiveness of foreign and local investments to Penang.
The Penang state government will continue to pay its attention to enhancing existing infrastructures, enabling a more conducive business environment for all. As such, one can attribute this to the expansion and upgrading works for the Penang International Airport (PIA) by Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB), The Light Rail Transit (LRT) project by MRTCorp, and the Perak-Penang Water Scheme.
With that, we hope that all parties can work together, cooperate, and collaborate in order to achieve sustainable development for the betterment of Penang and its future to come. Thank you.