槟州首席部长曹观友 2021年12月24日在乔治市光大发表 圣诞节献词



今年,配合圣诞节及此节日所倡议的奉献精神,槟州政府通过槟城和谐机构推出了“社区希望”(Season of Hope Community)计划,以鼓励教堂参与慈善和社区工作。 除了派发口罩,州政府也拨款了4万7000令吉予州内10所基督教堂,以让有关社区活动取得成功。槟州政府自 2016 年成立非伊斯兰膜拜场所修复基金(RIBI)以来,共拨款164万5688令吉80仙,提升及发展槟州的教堂。


愿大家秉持着和睦、善良及宽容的精神,贯彻圣诞真正的意义, 并促进家庭关系,及为身边的人带来欢乐和祝福。

2021 年圣诞快乐。



9 December 2023
Wesley Methodist School, 1 Lebuh Sungai Pinang 1

Mr Kwong Choong Vai
Chairman of the Board of Management of the Methodist Council of Education

Mr Tan Chong Jin
Member of the Board of Management

Mr Lau Chong Beng
Senior Principal of Wesley Methodist School Penang (International)

Rev Ronald and Rev Earnest
Pastors of Methodist Church

Dr Doris Chow and the Charis Hospice Team

Principals, Parents, Teachers, Students

Ladies & Gentlemen

A very good evening to all of you.

Thank you for your invitation to the inaugural Christmas Concert by the Wesley Methodist School Penang (International). Tonight, we gather to celebrate the culmination of hard work, dedication, and artistic brilliance of the Wesley community.

Methodist Education has a long history of more than 100 years in Penang, and your mission has remained the same throughout the years which is to provide education with Excellence and Compassion through holistic development.

Rooted in Christian values, Wesley Methodist School Penang (International), which started in 2018, has also gone beyond the conventional classroom experience to offer a holistic education that nurtures not just academic excellence but also values such as empathy, leadership, and a deep sense of purpose.

This Christmas, I am happy to note that you are taking this commitment one step further by focusing your talents on a cause that reverberates with the Christian values of community service and unconditional love—Charis Hospice Penang. Charis Hospice Penang provides palliative care and support to individuals and families facing life-limiting illnesses, and Wesley Methodist School Penang International (WMSPI) is channelling 100 percent of all donations and proceeds to this meaningful organisation, which will definitely play a significant role in helping them continue their essential work.

Ladies & Gentlemen,

We are all familiar with the significance of Christmas, which is to serve as the commemoration of the nativity of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus was born to be the saviour of our world, as the light that would guide the world out of the darkness of sin and death and into eternal life.

However, Christmas, as we now know it, is more than a just festive celebration with religious connotation. It is actually a wonderful season for us to reflect on what we have done for the whole year.

It is also an empowering time as we plan and have hope for the beginning of a new year.

To all of us here in Penang and in Malaysia in general, Christmas is also a time for celebration, for gatherings with family and friends as well as appreciating one another, regardless of faith, cultural background and skin colour.

Such a wonderful gathering is part of the true spirit of Christmas in Penang, our beloved state that is rich in diversity, a state where we celebrate diversity and a state where we are united in diversity.

Ladies & Gentlemen,

As we enjoy the performances tonight, let us remember the essence of the season – the joy of giving. Your presence here contributes to a noble cause, and together, we can make a meaningful impact.

So, without further ado, let the concert begin! May the melodies resonate in our hearts, the colours on stage paint vibrant stories, and the collective talent of our students leave an indelible mark on our memories.

Thank you.




YB Dato’ Seri Sundarajoo
State Executive Councillor for Housing and Environment

YB Teh Lai Heng
Komtar State Assemblyman

YB Goh Choon Aik
Bukit Tambun State Assemblyman

YB Gooi Hsiao-Leung
Bukit Tengah State Assemblyman

YB Lim Hui Ying
Member of Parliament for Tanjong

Mr. Lau Keng Ee
Political Secretary to Chief Minister of Penang

Councillors of Penang Island and Seberang Perai City Councils,

Mr. Ewe Chee Way
Director of Padang Kota KADUN and Batu Kawan Parliament Service Centre

Members of the Press; Fathers and Sisters; Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning to you all.

First and foremost, it is truly an honor and a delight to stand before you as we come together to celebrate this festive season in our beloved state of Penang. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitudes to my local constituent office of Padang Kota, Batu Kawan MP Service Centre, and Kingdom city for organizing this year’s Christmas Celebrations.

As the theme for this year’s Christmas Celebration, “Hope is here” showcases the importance of hope and its effect in garnering the achievements we enjoy today. It also reflects upon the notion that today’s achievements were not built upon by the an effort of the state, but together as one, through the spirit of perseverance, collectiveness, and resilience. In 2020, Penang was no stranger to the worldwide shutdown caused by the global Covid-19 outbreak. Businesses came to a hold, exports cut below the usual standards, and most notably, the people suffered.

Nonetheless, with hope, we were able to bounce back stronger. From 2021 to 2022, Penang outperformed other states with a GDP growth from 6.8 percent to 13.1 percent, amounting to valuation of RM 112.1 billion. Such achievements can be attributed not only to our twin engines of growth, manufacturing and service sectors but, the tireless efforts of the people who make these engines run. Therefore, this achievement highlights that with hope and firm support from all stakeholders, Penang can achieve the impossible.

Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to cherish the bonds that unite us, and a time to spread the message of love, peace, and goodwill. As we gather here today in the spirit of unity, let us take a moment to appreciate the rich diversity that defines our state, the harmonious blend of cultures, traditions, and communities that makes Penang unique.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In 2020, it is estimated that 4.3% of Penangites are Christians. Nevertheless, the arrival of Christian congregations to Penang can be dated back as early as the 18th century from the beginnings of European settlements, particularly Catholicism in 1786 when Bishop Le Bon and his disciples had to depart from Siam (Today Thailand) to Pondicherry, India. Father Coud and Father Gernault were the very few who travelled from Pondicherry to Kuala Kedah, and found an exiled Catholic Community. While later Father Coud would leave for Siam, Father Gernault flocked to Penang under the invitation of Sir Francis Light. Thus, Christianity particularly, Catholic Services expanded throughout Penang, setting a Christian foothole. Earliest recollections of churches such as the Church of the Assumption could be exemplified here.

Meanwhile, Anglican ministries especially through the commitments of Reverend Robert Sparke Hutchings saw the establishments of notable schools such as Penang Free School and St. Georges. Christian Missionaries such as the London Missionary Society (LMS) was pivotal in paving the way for the further exposure of Christianity through seminaries towards Penang and its people.

Our state, known for its cultural richness and historical significance, has always been a melting pot of traditions. Regardless of religious or cultural beliefs, we embrace the values that each religious festivities represents. This includes, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas etc. In this regards, Penang has observed mass Christian festivities and celebrations, for example, St Anne’s Festival which saw hundred of thousands flocking to Bukit Mertajam’s St Anne’s Church. Therefore, Christmas is no exemption. During such season, Penang will be mesmerized by Christmas Carols, Christmas lights litting up, and observe the erection of the grandiose Christmas Trees at shopping malls, public areas, and at home. Therefore, it is crucial for us, Penangites to comprehend that love, kindness, and generosity are the universal languages that bind us together, and it is these virtues that make Penang a truly special place to call home.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the midst of our celebrations, let us also remember those who may be facing challenges during this festive season. Christmas is a time for compassion and giving. Therefore, I would like to encourage each and everyone of you to extend a helping hand to those in need. As Chief Minister of Penang, I would like to extend my invitation to 11 homes and welfare centres accross Penang such as St Joseph’s Home, the Salvation Army, House of Hope, and the Penang Shan Children’s Home Association etc. In addition to that, I will be contributing RM1,000 to these 11 home and welfare centres. This is crucial as our state's strength lies in the caring and supportive community that we have built, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of our fellow citizens.

As we look back on the past year, with its triumphs and trials, let us carry the spirit of resilience into the coming year. Penang has faced challenges before, and it is our collective determination and unity that have allowed us to overcome and thrive. The story of Christmas serves as a reminder that hope and renewal are possible even in the face of adversity.

With that, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Penang for their unwavering support and commitment to making our state a better place for all. As we celebrate this Christmas together, let us reaffirm our dedication to building a Penang that is inclusive, compassionate, and filled with the spirit of harmony. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, a season filled with joy, and a New Year brimming with prosperity and peace.

Thank you, and may the spirit of Christmas illuminate our hearts and our beloved state of Penang.





Yang Berhormat Puan Lim Siew Khim
EXCO Pembangunan Sosial, Kebajikan dan Hal Ehwal Bukan Islam Merangkap Pengerusi Penang Harmony Corporation (HARMONICO)

Yang Berhormat Tuan Haji Rashidi
EXCO Perdagangan, Pembangunan Keusahawanan & Luar Bandar

Yang Berhormat Tuan Fahmi Bin Zainol
EXCO Agroteknologi & Keterjaminan Makanan dan Pembangunan Koperasi

Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Richard Koh
CEO & Founder of Only World Group (OWG)

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’ Seri dan Datin-Datin Seri

Yang Berhormat Ahli-Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Ahli Parlimen

Tuan Arokiadass Anthonysamy
Head of Department for The Inter-Religious and Ecumenical Department for the Diocese of Penang

Pastor Liew Yean Huat
Northern Region Representative of National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF)

Pastor Shearn Sya
Northern Region Coordinator of Council of Churches of Malaysia

Puan Grace Teoh
General Manager of The Top Penang

Konsul-Konsul Jeneral dan Konsul-Konsul Kehormat

Yang Berbahagia Dato’- Dato’ dan Datin’- Datin

Ahli-ahli Lembaga Penang Harmony Corporation

Ketua-ketua Jabatan Persekutuan dan Negeri

Ahli-ahli Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang

Ahli-ahli Majlis Bandaraya Seberang Perai

Penaja-Penaja Majlis Sambutan Hari Natal Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang

Wakil Rumah-Rumah Ibadat

Wakil Rumah-Rumah Kebajikan

Rakan-rakan Media

Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan sekalian

Salam Sejahtera, Salam Penang2030 dan Salam Malaysia Madani.

Terlebih dahulu, marilah kita semua memanjatkan kesyukuran kerana diberikan kesempatan bagi kita berkumpul bersama-sama meraikan Sambutan Hari Krismas Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang 2023 pada hari yang berbahagia ini.
Seperti tahun lalu, saya amat berbesar hati kerana sekali lagi berpeluang merasmikan sambutan berkenaan pada tahun ini yang dianjurkan oleh Perbadanan Harmoni Pulau Pinang (HARMONICO), Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) Pulau Pinang dan The TOP Penang.
Hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,
Walaupun Krismas adalah perayaan sempena mengingati kelahiran Yesus bagi penganut agama Kristian, saya percaya bahawa sambutan tersebut merupakan antara hari yang kita semua nanti-nantikan tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama kerana ia secara tidak langsung membawa maksud bahawa kita telah menghampiri permulaan tahun baharu.
Seperti perayaan-perayaan lain yang disambut di negara ini, Hari Krismas juga melambangkan salah satu perayaan untuk kita meraikan kepelbagaian agama dan budaya di Malaysia.
Penganut-penganut agama Kristian di negara ini terdiri daripada pelbagai etnik seperti Cina, India, Orang Asal dan sebagainya.
Maka, terdapat bermacam-macam cara bagi rakyat Malaysia menyambut Krismas seperti saling bertukar hadiah, menghiasi rumah dengan hiasan yang cantik dan terang, menziarahi keluarga dan jiran, menganjurkan rumah terbuka serta banyak lagi.

Sebagai negeri dengan masyarakat yang majmuk, penganjuran sambutan perayaan seperti ini pada setiap tahun telah menjadi keutamaan kepada Kerajaan Negeri untuk menghormati dan meraikan kepelbagaian agama di Pulau Pinang.
Usaha ini juga dilakukan demi mengekalkan toleransi dan semangat muhibah dalam kalangan rakyat seiring dengan konsep Malaysia Madani iaitu Tekad Perpaduan, Penuhi Harapan yang bertunjangkan sikap saling hormat-menghormati, meraikan kepelbagaian dan menjadi medan dialog peradaban.

Oleh itu, Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang melalui HARMONICO telah menganjurkan pelbagai sambutan perayaan untuk meraikan kepelbagaian ini di samping menggalakkan persefahaman serta budaya saling menghormati.

Nilai bersatu padu dan toleransi dalam kalangan masyarakat merupakan salah satu faktor bagi sesebuah kerajaan menjalankan urus tadbir yang baik dan progresif. Maka dengan itu, suka saya berkongsi bahawa Pulau Pinang merupakan negeri kedua tertinggi dalam mencatatkan pelaburan yang diluluskan dari bulan Januari sehingga September 2023 yang berjumlah RM44.9 bilion, selepas Kuala Lumpur. Kejayaan ini adalah pencapaian bersama yang melambangkan bukan sahaja perpaduan kaum di negeri ini malah juga hubungan baik masyarakat dengan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang.

Ketahuilah bahawa pentadbiran ini akan senantiasa berusaha menarik pelabur tempatan dan asing untuk bertapak di negeri ini demi kesejahteraan rakyat menerusi peluang pekerjaan yang pelbagai.

Para hadirin sekalian,
Tema Sambutan Krismas tahun ini iaitu “Season of Hope” menekankan betapa pentingnya nilai harapan untuk manusia. Musim perayaan khususnya seperti Krismas adalah musim yang mana kita saling berkongsi kebaikan dan harapan bersama masyarakat sekeliling supaya keharmonian yang wujud akan terus berkekalan.
Buat julung kalinya, sambutan Hari Krismas Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang diadakan di dalam pusat membeli-belah iaitu di The TOP, Komtar berlainan dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang dianjurkan di kawasan terbuka seperti di Padang Kota Lama dan lain-lain lokasi. Perubahan ini dilakukan dengan harapan ia dapat memeriahkan suasana Komtar dengan kehadiran orang ramai sama ada masyarakat tempatan mahupun pelancong luar.

Selain hadir untuk bersama-sama meraikan sambutan ini, pengunjung juga boleh menikmati pelbagai tarikan dan aktiviti sedia ada di The TOP yang sesuai untuk seisi keluarga.
Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan diucapkan kepada Tan Sri Dato’ Richard Koh iaitu Pengasas Only World Group (OWG) Holdings Berhad kerana telah menawarkan lokasi ini untuk sambutan Krismas kali ini.
Mengambil peluang ini, saya juga mengucapkan tahniah dan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak penganjur iaitu HARMONICO dan CFM Penang kerana telah bertungkus-lumus menjayakan penganjuran ini. Saya percaya bahawa komitmen serta usaha ketiga-tiga organisasi ini untuk menyemarakkan sambutan Hari Krismas pada tahun ini dapat membuahkan hasil atau impak positif kepada masyarakat setempat.
Umpama seikat bagai sirih, serumpun bagai serai, ayuhlah bersama-sama kita bersatu padu secara sehati sejiwa untuk mengekalkan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan sedia ada ini.

Sebagai penutup kata, saya ingin mengakhiri ucapan saya dengan mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari Krismas dan Tahun Baru 2024 kepada anda semua khasnya rakyat Pulau Pinang yang saya kasihi. Semoga semua dapat menikmati sambutan yang indah bersama-sama orang tersayang. Dengan ini, saya dengan sukacitanya merasmikan Sambutan Hari Krismas Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang Tahun 2023.

Sekian, terima kasih.



9 December 2023

Wesley Methodist School, 1 Lebuh Sungai Pinang 1


A very good evening to all of you.

Thank you for your invitation to the inaugural Christmas Concert by the Wesley Methodist School Penang (International). Tonight, we gather to celebrate the culmination of hard work, dedication, and artistic brilliance of the Wesley community.

Methodist Education has a long history of more than 100 years in Penang, and your mission has remained the same throughout the years which is to provide education with Excellence and Compassion through holistic development.

Rooted in Christian values, Wesley Methodist School Penang (International), which started in 2018, has also gone beyond the conventional classroom experience to offer a holistic education that nurtures not just academic excellence but also values such as empathy, leadership, and a deep sense of purpose.

This Christmas, I am happy to note that you are taking this commitment one step further by focusing your talents on a cause that reverberates with the Christian values of community service and unconditional love—Charis Hospice Penang. Charis Hospice Penang provides palliative care and support to individuals and families facing life-limiting illnesses, and Wesley Methodist School Penang International (WMSPI) is channelling 100 percent of all donations and proceeds to this meaningful organisation, which will definitely play a significant role in helping them continue their essential work.

Ladies & Gentlemen,

We are all familiar with the significance of Christmas, which is to serve as the commemoration of the nativity of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus was born to be the saviour of our world, as the light that would guide the world out of the darkness of sin and death and into eternal life.

However, Christmas, as we now know it, is more than a just festive celebration with religious connotation. It is actually a wonderful season for us to reflect on what we have done for the whole year.

It is also an empowering time as we plan and have hope for the beginning of a new year.

To all of us here in Penang and in Malaysia in general, Christmas is also a time for celebration, for gatherings with family and friends as well as appreciating one another, regardless of faith, cultural background and skin colour.

Such a wonderful gathering is part of the true spirit of Christmas in Penang, our beloved state that is rich in diversity, a state where we celebrate diversity and a state where we are united in diversity.

Ladies & Gentlemen,

As we enjoy the performances tonight, let us remember the essence of the season – the joy of giving. Your presence here contributes to a noble cause, and together, we can make a meaningful impact.

So, without further ado, let the concert begin! May the melodies resonate in our hearts, the colours on stage paint vibrant stories, and the collective talent of our students leave an indelible mark on our memories.

Thank you.







Good morning to you all.

First and foremost, it is truly an honor and a delight to stand before you as we come together to celebrate this festive season in our beloved state of Penang. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitudes to my local constituent office of Padang Kota, Batu Kawan MP Service Centre, and Kingdom city for organizing this year’s Christmas Celebrations.

As the theme for this year’s Christmas Celebration, “Hope is here” showcases the importance of hope and its effect in garnering the achievements we enjoy today. It also reflects upon the notion that today’s achievements were not built upon by the an effort of the state, but together as one, through the spirit of perseverance, collectiveness, and resilience. In 2020, Penang was no stranger to the worldwide shutdown caused by the global Covid-19 outbreak. Businesses came to a hold, exports cut below the usual standards, and most notably, the people suffered.

Nonetheless, with hope, we were able to bounce back stronger. From 2021 to 2022, Penang outperformed other states with a GDP growth from 6.8 percent to 13.1 percent, amounting to valuation of RM 112.1 billion. Such achievements can be attributed not only to our twin engines of growth, manufacturing and service sectors but, the tireless efforts of the people who make these engines run. Therefore, this achievement highlights that with hope and firm support from all stakeholders, Penang can achieve the impossible.

Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to cherish the bonds that unite us, and a time to spread the message of love, peace, and goodwill. As we gather here today in the spirit of unity, let us take a moment to appreciate the rich diversity that defines our state, the harmonious blend of cultures, traditions, and communities that makes Penang unique.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In 2020, it is estimated that 4.3% of Penangites are Christians. Nevertheless, the arrival of Christian congregations to Penang can be dated back as early as the 18th century from the beginnings of European settlements, particularly Catholicism in 1786 when Bishop Le Bon and his disciples had to depart from Siam (Today Thailand) to Pondicherry, India. Father Coud and Father Gernault were the very few who travelled from Pondicherry to Kuala Kedah, and found an exiled Catholic Community. While later Father Coud would leave for Siam, Father Gernault flocked to Penang under the invitation of Sir Francis Light. Thus, Christianity particularly, Catholic Services expanded throughout Penang, setting a Christian foothole. Earliest recollections of churches such as the Church of the Assumption could be exemplified here.

Meanwhile, Anglican ministries especially through the commitments of Reverend Robert Sparke Hutchings saw the establishments of notable schools such as Penang Free School and St. Georges. Christian Missionaries such as the London Missionary Society (LMS) was pivotal in paving the way for the further exposure of Christianity through seminaries towards Penang and its people.

Our state, known for its cultural richness and historical significance, has always been a melting pot of traditions. Regardless of religious or cultural beliefs, we embrace the values that each religious festivities represents. This includes, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas etc. In this regards, Penang has observed mass Christian festivities and celebrations, for example, St Anne’s Festival which saw hundred of thousands flocking to Bukit Mertajam’s St Anne’s Church. Therefore, Christmas is no exemption. During such season, Penang will be mesmerized by Christmas Carols, Christmas lights litting up, and observe the erection of the grandiose Christmas Trees at shopping malls, public areas, and at home. Therefore, it is crucial for us, Penangites to comprehend that love, kindness, and generosity are the universal languages that bind us together, and it is these virtues that make Penang a truly special place to call home.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the midst of our celebrations, let us also remember those who may be facing challenges during this festive season. Christmas is a time for compassion and giving. Therefore, I would like to encourage each and everyone of you to extend a helping hand to those in need. As Chief Minister of Penang, I would like to extend my invitation to 11 homes and welfare centres accross Penang such as St Joseph’s Home, the Salvation Army, House of Hope, and the Penang Shan Children’s Home Association etc. In addition to that, I will be contributing RM1,000 to these 11 home and welfare centres. This is crucial as our state's strength lies in the caring and supportive community that we have built, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of our fellow citizens.

As we look back on the past year, with its triumphs and trials, let us carry the spirit of resilience into the coming year. Penang has faced challenges before, and it is our collective determination and unity that have allowed us to overcome and thrive. The story of Christmas serves as a reminder that hope and renewal are possible even in the face of adversity.

With that, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Penang for their unwavering support and commitment to making our state a better place for all. As we celebrate this Christmas together, let us reaffirm our dedication to building a Penang that is inclusive, compassionate, and filled with the spirit of harmony. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, a season filled with joy, and a New Year brimming with prosperity and peace.

Thank you, and may the spirit of Christmas illuminate our hearts and our beloved state of Penang.







Salam Sejahtera, Salam Penang2030 dan Salam Malaysia Madani.

Terlebih dahulu, marilah kita semua memanjatkan kesyukuran kerana diberikan kesempatan bagi kita berkumpul bersama-sama meraikan Sambutan Hari Krismas Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang 2023 pada hari yang berbahagia ini.

Seperti tahun lalu, saya amat berbesar hati kerana sekali lagi berpeluang merasmikan sambutan berkenaan pada tahun ini yang dianjurkan oleh Perbadanan Harmoni Pulau Pinang (HARMONICO), Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) Pulau Pinang dan The TOP Penang.

Hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,

Walaupun Krismas adalah perayaan sempena mengingati kelahiran Yesus bagi penganut agama Kristian, saya percaya bahawa sambutan tersebut merupakan antara hari yang kita semua nanti-nantikan tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama kerana ia secara tidak langsung membawa maksud bahawa kita telah menghampiri permulaan tahun baharu.

Seperti perayaan-perayaan lain yang disambut di negara ini, Hari Krismas juga melambangkan salah satu perayaan untuk kita meraikan kepelbagaian agama dan budaya di Malaysia.

Penganut-penganut agama Kristian di negara ini terdiri daripada pelbagai etnik seperti Cina, India, Orang Asal dan sebagainya.

Maka, terdapat bermacam-macam cara bagi rakyat Malaysia menyambut Krismas seperti saling bertukar hadiah, menghiasi rumah dengan hiasan yang cantik dan terang, menziarahi keluarga dan jiran, menganjurkan rumah terbuka serta banyak lagi. 

Sebagai negeri dengan masyarakat yang majmuk, penganjuran sambutan perayaan seperti ini pada setiap tahun telah menjadi keutamaan kepada Kerajaan Negeri untuk menghormati dan meraikan kepelbagaian agama di Pulau Pinang.

Usaha ini juga dilakukan demi mengekalkan toleransi dan semangat muhibah dalam kalangan rakyat seiring dengan konsep Malaysia Madani iaitu Tekad Perpaduan, Penuhi Harapan yang bertunjangkan sikap saling hormat-menghormati, meraikan kepelbagaian dan menjadi medan dialog peradaban.

Oleh itu, Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang melalui HARMONICO telah menganjurkan pelbagai sambutan perayaan untuk meraikan kepelbagaian ini di samping menggalakkan persefahaman serta budaya saling menghormati.

Nilai bersatu padu dan toleransi dalam kalangan masyarakat merupakan salah satu faktor bagi sesebuah kerajaan menjalankan urus tadbir yang baik dan progresif. Maka dengan itu, suka saya berkongsi bahawa Pulau Pinang merupakan negeri kedua tertinggi dalam mencatatkan pelaburan yang diluluskan dari bulan Januari sehingga September 2023 yang berjumlah RM44.9 bilion, selepas Kuala Lumpur. Kejayaan ini adalah pencapaian bersama yang melambangkan bukan sahaja perpaduan kaum di negeri ini malah juga hubungan baik masyarakat dengan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang.

Ketahuilah bahawa pentadbiran ini akan senantiasa berusaha menarik pelabur tempatan dan asing untuk bertapak di negeri ini demi kesejahteraan rakyat menerusi peluang pekerjaan yang pelbagai.


Para hadirin sekalian,

Tema Sambutan Krismas tahun ini iaitu Season of Hope menekankan betapa pentingnya nilai harapan untuk manusia. Musim perayaan khususnya seperti Krismas adalah musim yang mana kita saling berkongsi kebaikan dan harapan bersama masyarakat sekeliling supaya keharmonian yang wujud akan terus berkekalan.

Buat julung kalinya, sambutan Hari Krismas Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang diadakan di dalam pusat membeli-belah iaitu di The TOP, Komtar berlainan dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang dianjurkan di kawasan terbuka seperti di Padang Kota Lama dan lain-lain lokasi. Perubahan ini dilakukan dengan harapan ia dapat memeriahkan suasana Komtar dengan kehadiran orang ramai sama ada masyarakat tempatan mahupun pelancong luar.

Selain hadir untuk bersama-sama meraikan sambutan ini, pengunjung juga boleh menikmati pelbagai tarikan dan aktiviti sedia ada di The TOP yang sesuai untuk seisi keluarga.

Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan diucapkan kepada Tan Sri Dato’ Richard Koh iaitu Pengasas Only World Group (OWG) Holdings Berhad kerana telah menawarkan lokasi ini untuk sambutan Krismas kali ini.

Mengambil peluang ini, saya juga mengucapkan tahniah dan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak penganjur iaitu HARMONICO dan CFM Penang kerana telah bertungkus-lumus menjayakan penganjuran ini. Saya percaya bahawa komitmen serta usaha ketiga-tiga organisasi ini untuk menyemarakkan sambutan Hari Krismas pada tahun ini dapat membuahkan hasil atau impak positif kepada masyarakat setempat.

Umpama seikat bagai sirih, serumpun bagai serai, ayuhlah bersama-sama kita bersatu padu secara sehati sejiwa untuk mengekalkan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan sedia ada ini.

Sebagai penutup kata, saya ingin mengakhiri ucapan saya dengan mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari Krismas dan Tahun Baru 2024 kepada anda semua khasnya rakyat Pulau Pinang yang saya kasihi. Semoga semua dapat menikmati sambutan yang indah bersama-sama orang tersayang. Dengan ini, saya dengan sukacitanya merasmikan Sambutan Hari Krismas Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang Tahun 2023.

Sekian, terima kasih.






YB Wong Hon Wai

Penang State EXCO for Tourism and Creative Economy


YB Wong Yuee Harng

Pengkalan Kota State Assemblyman


YB Lim Hui Ying

Deputy Finance Minister of Malaysia cum Member of Parliament for Tanjong


Dato Ir. Rajendran Anthony

Mayor of Penang Island City Council (MBPP)


Mr. Harry Chai Heng Hua

Director of Penang State Sports Council


Ms. Tan Soo Siang

Penang Island City (MBPP) Councillor


Mr. Jack Wong

Managing Director of TLM Event


Distinguished Guests

Members of the Media


Good morning and a warm welcome to all of you to the vibrant streets of Penang for the 5th edition of the Occupy Beach Street (OBS) Christmas Run! It is truly heartening to see such an incredible turnout of 4,000 participants from 25 countries, all united here today to celebrate the spirit of Christmas and embrace an active and healthy lifestyle. My sincere congratulations go to the organizers for orchestrating this grand event.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Penang, our beloved Pearl of the Orient, is more than just a location on the map. It is a living testament to unity in diversity, where the echoes of different cultures and traditions blend harmoniously. As you traverse the charming streets of Penang, you will notice mosques, temples, and churches situated close to each other, symbolizing our close connection regardless of cultural backgrounds.

In the midst of this rich diversity, the heartbeat of progress resounds, signifying our collective journey forward. Accordingly, I am pleased to share a glimpse of our latest economic strides. From January to September 2023, Penang has magnetized a remarkable RM44.9 billion in investments across diverse sectors. Notably, the manufacturing FDI has surged to RM35.8 billion, witnessing an astounding 634% year-on-year increase. This achievement solidifies our position as a powerhouse in the nation's manufacturing sector, contributing a substantial 42% during this period.

Yet, let us not forget that Penang's success extends beyond economic milestones; it is about the inclusive society we have nurtured. The multicultural harmony among our diverse communities has not only defined our identity but has also made Penang an attractive hub for global investors seeking not only financial gains but also a sense of community and belonging.

Hence, as we revel in events like the OBS Christmas Run, we reaffirm our commitment to preserving and cherishing our rich cultural tapestry. Christmas, a time of joy and togetherness, aligns perfectly with the Penang2030 vision of “A Family-Focused Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation”. In the same vein, the OBS Christmas Run 2023 is not just a race; it is an opportunity for families and communities to come together, revel in the festive spirit, and embrace an active lifestyle, all while expressing their love for Penang.

I am therefore truly delighted to witness the enthusiasm and energy of all the participants who have gathered here today to show their love for Penang. As the old saying goes, "Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh" (United we stand, divided we fall). This proverb encapsulates the essence of unity and collaboration towards a common goal. Just as running together fosters a sense of community and togetherness, I hope that with the same spirit, we will continue working together as one united Penang to ensure a bright and prosperous future for all.

Having said that, I extend my gratitude and best wishes to all of you. Let the OBS Christmas Run 2023 begin, thank you!

Pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 28, KOMTAR, 10502, George Town, Pulau Pinang