林祥雄教授《反战争・促和平——林祥雄的艺术使命》 画展开幕仪式 槟州首席部长曹观友致词稿


艺文空间有限公司主席 林祥雄教授

大马旅游局副主席兼槟州港务局主席 拿督杨顺兴

IJM置地公司顾问 拿督杜进良

IJM置地公司首席营运员 拿督林道荣

IJM置地公司总经理(北马区) 吴淑莺(ying1)

Arkitek Permata有限公司董事经理 拿汀赵秋盈



我很荣幸,从2018年见证了IJM置地与艺文空间(Space Arts and Culture(M)Sdn Bhd)签署售购(shou4 gou4)协议,以设立 “林祥雄美术馆”,到2019年主持美术馆的奠基(dian4 ji1)仪式,再到如今有幸为画展主持开幕。
各位,艺术创作的道路不简单,像林教授从事艺术超过一甲子的更是难能可贵。他几十年如一日地投身于艺术创作,同时关心社会与人民的生活与苦难,并把这些用画笔创作在其作品中,特别是《画说沧桑(cang1 sang1)》系列,深刻表达了对战争、污染等的反对,体现了他作为艺术家的悲天悯(min3)人情怀。

林教授多年来对文化艺术事业的真诚与执著(zhi2 zhuo2),以及他那坚持不懈(xie4)的办事作风让人敬佩。今天,我们所观赏的只是林教授三十多年以来的创作,反战争系列的一小部分,但其作品已让我们感到震憾(zhen4 han4)与反思。

特别是自去年十月以来,中东地区爆发的以巴战争,造成无数的死伤,尤其是无辜的平民百姓遭到了连月的杀戮(sha1 lu4),这些都能林教授的作品中看到及感受到,同时也在提醒我们,要珍惜大家共同努力所构建(gou4 jian4)的和平国家与社会。

战争将导致人员伤亡或受伤,以及经济、繁荣和生活方式的恶化(e4 hua4),因此生活在多元种族、宗教及文化国家的我们,更应相互理解、尊重与支持,共同创造和谐的家园。我也希望林教授的反战争系列作品能唤(huan4)起观众的觉醒,传递(di4)和平的信息。

我非常期待美术馆的落成,相信这座海上艺术殿堂(dian4 tang2)一旦落成,将能吸引更多国内外的艺术家及游客到访,使槟城成为更加有吸引力的文化艺术之都。


Ladies and gentlemen,

First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost gratitude to Professor Lin Xiang Xiong for inviting me to the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Opposing War, Advocating Peace: The Artistic Mission of Lin Xiang Xiong”. It is truly an honor to be here on such an auspicious occasion. This ceremony not only portrays the notion of peace but echoes the sentiment that peace should never be an option, but an everlasting resolution.

It is evident that today's event is impossible without significant milestones. Six years ago, we witnessed the signing of the sale and purchase agreement between IJM Land and Space Arts and Culture (M) Sdn Bhd. A year later, we officiated the Lin Xiang Xiong Art Gallery groundbreaking ceremony, and today, we have the opportunity to officiate the opening of its art exhibition.

The path to artistic creation is not an easy one. Professor Lin, who has been engaged in art for over 60 years, has devoted himself tirelessly to artistic creation for decades, while also caring about the lives and suffering of society and the people. He expresses artistic ingenuity through his artwork, particularly conveying a profound opposition to war, pollution, and other issues, reflecting his compassionate nature as an artist.

Professor Lin's sincerity and dedication to the cultural and artistic cause over the years, as well as his unwavering work ethic, is truly admirable. What we are witnessing today is only a small fraction of Professor Lin's artwork. Yet, his work has already left us deeply resonated.

The recent outbreak of the Israel-Palestine war in West Asia has resulted in immeasurable loss of life and suffering, particularly among innocent civilians who are merely victims caught in the crossfires. Professor Lin’s artworks poignantly reflect and resonate with these tragic realities. It reminds us that everlasting peace is built through collective efforts, and not through unilateral actions.

War inevitably begets casualties, economic turmoil, and the erosion of societal well-being. Thus, in our multicultural, multi-faith, and diverse societies, mutual understanding, respect, and support are imperative to fostering a harmonious coexistence. It is my fervent hope that Professor Lin's artworks serve as a catalyst for awakening consciousness and advocating for peace.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Despite various hindrances and complications witnessed for the construction of the art gallery during the Covid-19 pandemic, Professor Lin had persisted and overcame obstacles, initiating the main construction work of the art gallery in September of last year.

With that being said, I look forward to the completion of the art gallery. It is with hope that this art gallery will attract not only artists and visitors but also aspiring artists from around the globe who carry the same message.

In closing, let me extend my best wishes for the resounding success of the “Opposing War, Advocating Peace: The Artistic Mission of Lin Xiang Xiong” art exhibition. May the art gallery be a beacon that aspires peace for the current and future generation to come.

Thank you.

Pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Tingkat 28, KOMTAR, 10502, George Town, Pulau Pinang